Monday Feb 28, 2022
S3:6 EP31: ’The Time that is Given Us’
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Monday Feb 28, 2022
In the midst of so much confusion, sadness, and violence in the world, how do we find wonder? How do we balance our need to be informed with our need to guard our emotions? What about music, art, stories - where do these fit in when the world is consumed by overwhelming events? We'll unite to Ukraine through music, stories, shared humanity... Hymns, chants, folk music... 'Look for the helpers.' There is always courage and compassion, even in (especially in), dark times. An episode to help you feel grounded and at peace in the midst of so much unrest.
The Mitten by Jan Brett
B. Lyatoshynsky (1895-1968) Suite on Ukrainian folk themes
Rachmaninoff vespers: Bless the Lord o My Soul by Kyiv Chamber Choir.
The Sorrowful Mother, Страдальна Мати – Ukrainian Lenten Hymn
Ukrainian Chant Playlist
Desert Island Discs Playlists
Desert Island Discs
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